|- location: Kičevo (Kichevo), Macedonia, Republic of Macedonia, FYR Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Македонија
- type: Military Base Polygon
- length: 2km /1.24 miles
- pit boxes: 22
This circuit is located on a military base polygon in Kichevo, Macedonia. It is used as a venue in the Macedonian racing championship. Its narrow and bumpy track and dangerous runoff areas offer very close competition, very little space for error and guarantees an exciting race! Some say it is more like a tarmac rally stage than a race circuit
The track is originally created for rFactor1 by Nothke.
It was low poly track with some really low res textures, the whole track pack was about 15mb
He has tried to improve it a little, mostly all the textures are new but they are not hi-def.
He has added hi-poly road mesh, dynamic grooves, some 3d objects, 3d grass and re-arranged trees and plants along the track based on google earth satellite image.
Credits: Lemax
Lol My MUM is from Kicevo. Cant wait to show her this.
hello fellow macedonian