V8SCorsa 2018
|V8SCorsa 2018 is finally here and its amazing!
Credits for the ORIGINAL BASE MOD being the Assetto Corsa conversion are to the following people, as without them we would not have been able to work or improve upon this mod, and we truly thank that team for allowing the current team to continue the development of these cars:
“B375” models, templates, sounds
“Mach77” Sounds editing
“RacingtechCZ” Physics, skins, Files assembly, Project coordinator
“Terra21” some base skins and mental motivation to original team
Please Note:-
All liveries in this mod and improvements to textures & materials are by RNR’s VASC Skins.
Physics up to Version 2 were by Downsyde Garage.
V8SCorsa 2018 physics are from the V8SCorsa Team BUT are using the tyres from V2 as created by Downsyde Garage
For me there is no engine sound…
The Ford Falcon has an invalid setup, so I can’t drive it. Could you help? Thanks!