Toyota Cresta Roulant G
|Assetto Corsa Toyota Cresta Roulant G
Hi all. While work on Chaser continues, I decided to revisit one of my past mods and deal with certain issues that everyone has encountered on recent versions of CSP.
Toyota Cresta Roulant G has been updated to v1.1
What was done in the update:
-Fixed Missing Side Mirrors
-Fixed Bugs With Exterior Windows Glass
-Fixed Interior Roof Window Glass (Now RainFX Works Properly)
-Fixed Missed Grille Emblem Plastic
-Fixed Transparent Front Bumper, Rear Bumper, Sides From The Inside View (Now Ambient Shadows From The Car Looks A Lot Better)
-Retouched And Improved All Turn signals And Taillights Refractions
-Added More Brightness For All Emissive’s (Now On PURE Everything Looks Good, But At SOL Can Be Too Bright…)
-Added Turn signals Sound For Interior
-Some Minor Fixes And Improvements…
Also, this update included now into paid unencrypted version of Cresta.
Don’t forget to delete old version and make clean install of new version!
Credit: Sawedoff Custom Workshop